HEADER_START  TRAINING:  You hook yourself up to the training computer and lie down. In seconds the computer has put you to sleep and the testing begins... HEADER_END SUCC_START  After what seemed like a whole nights rest, you wake up tired and groggy. Getting up though, you feel stronger and more agile. The training worked! SUCC_END FAIL_START  Like waking from a bad dream, you awake paranoid and covered in sweat. Then sudden nausea rushes through your body and it takes all your will to keep from throwing up. Without even looking at the training computer you can tell the training was unsuccessful. The computer informs you that you only need FAIL_END MAXED_START  In what seems like no time, you awake refreshed. You quickly sit up and look at the training computer to see the results. The computer informs you that you can be trained no further and are currently at your personal best. Continued training will no longer help you. MAXED_END SHAREWARE_START  You're only asleep a moment before the training computer re-awakens you. On the computer is the following message: "Sorry. You've reached the maximum level for the Shareware version. Tell your SysOp to register so you can continue training and going up levels." You can still fight and gain experience, but your skills will always remain as they currently are. SHAREWARE_END INFO_START  TRAINING INFORMATION:  You jack in to one of the training computers and request information about the experience level requirements to change class. The computer displays the following info for you...  CLASS EXPERIENCE LEVEL REQUIRED INFO_END